Design Sprint

Design Sprint: Fino Blog

Week-long design sprint to redesign Fino Consulting’s blog. The main goal was to come up with a proof of concept to present the case for a redesign to the rest of the company.

Project Context
Week-long design sprint to redesign Fino Consulting’s blog.
Team members: Gunther Chanange, Nicole Durbin, Dustin Wagner and —special props for the visual design— Meredith McClarty.  
My Role
As part of the design team I participated in research, ideation, information architecture, rapid prototyping, and testing.
Skill Set Used
Google Design Sprinting, competitive analysis, rapid prototyping, interactive prototypes, online testing.



Current company blog did not reflect company brand, culture, or talent.The Fino design team felt strongly that the blog’s design didn’t represent the skills of our department or the culture of our company.
We used a one-week Design Sprint, where we spent 1-2 hours a day redesigning the Fino Blog.
These were the goals we set ourselves to achieve:

  1. Create a design for the Fino blog that represents the strengths of the design team and company culture
  2. Execute the team process in an ambitious, abbreviated time frame
  3. Present process, learnings, and design to the entire company at the end of the week



Competitive Analysis & Requirements Gathering

  • Team members individually survey blogs, looking for best practices, innovative design, etc. Each person to be assigned one of the following: corporate/company blogs, general interest blogs, digital magazines, blogging platforms, design/UX research pertaining to blog best practices
  • Team shares findings and discusses
  • Team develops a set of requirements for the Fino blog based on findings


Ideation & Sketching

  • Review requirements from Monday meeting
  • Individual sketching time
  • Group white boarding and sketching; should culminate with a shared central vision
  • Split in to two groups to flesh out remaining details, based on shared vision



  • Divide and conquer—one group works on the landing page, the other the article pages
  • Execute plan
  • Complete a prototype that can be utilized for user testing


User Testing

  • Whole group learns how to use
  • Set up various tests as a group: A/B testing, menu, feedback, etc.



  • Review results of user testing
  • Define any guiding principles based on testing results
  • Determine how we want to update designs
  • Discuss how we want to share with the rest of the organization